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The U.S. Political Personality (I) Parties (II) Voter Involvement & (III) Presidential Candidates

The U.S. Political Personality (I): Parties

Talking about politics is a risky business, especially in the year of heated and divisive elections. Still, let’s do that. Our goal is not to sort out who is right or wrong, or mend political fences, even if we could. As always, our focus is on personality traits. In a recent survey on the 2016 U.S. presidential election, we found our respondents displayed certain trends and preferences with regard to the different parties, candidates, and voting behaviors. In this series of articles, we will discuss these trends and their possible explanations, doing our best to decipher what drives different personality types to polls. In this survey, only answers from respondents based in the United States and over 18 years of age were taken into account.

Let’s begin with the political parties and their personality profiles. Parties are designed to organize people who are politically like-minded to create a voting bloc, offer a legislative agenda and place candidates in the running for office. This presidential election has shown us that the “like-mindedness” of a party can shift and change and cause upheavals within parties. The primary successes of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have clearly demonstrated that it is not “business as usual” in either the Democratic or Republican Parties. But that aside, is there anything in our personality make-ups that pushes us toward one party or another?

Read the Full Article at https://www.16personalities.com/articles/the-us-political-personality-i-parties (Source)
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